Monday, November 19, 2012

Making the top 10 Superheroes list

Do you ever wonder what kind of super hero outfit Christ would wear if Hollywood tried to portray Him? Up until I sat down to write this post, I had not ever thought of this. However, now that I have, I am laughing at how ridiculous it sounds. Why is it that in my mind any super hero that truly deserves respect has a kick ass costume too come along with him. Sure, Superman could fly and lift massive amounts of weight over his head, but heck, he was nothing until he put on that red cape and tight blue leotard. :) What about Spiderman, he would have been a creepy guy if he wasn't disguised in this black spidery outfit. How gross would it have been to just see junk coming from his wrists?

Okay I think you get my point, the way that super heros are portrayed change our perspective on how awesome they are. What if I told you that I could portray Christ even more awesome than Superman and Spiderman without having to run to the fabric store and learn how to sew? What if I could prove to you that the power that Christ has is far more than those that we have imagined in comic books. He is beyond anything you could ever conquer up and the best way to see Him is not through costumes and special effects but instead through the New Testament stories. These stories scream greatness and from my perspective move Jesus Christ to the top of any top ten superhero lists out there.

I don't recall any superhero on the current list having turned water into wine. (Now I'm not saying this one first just because I truly enjoy my spirits, but of course from a strictly scientific perspective.) What about the fact that he just had to touch people and they were healed, blind men were able to see, and umm HELLLOOOO dead men were raised! What about the fact that he made food appear from thin air, enough to feed the crowds of people that were following Him around. Or even the fact that he calmed the seas with His voice, walked on water and through walls? How about the fact that he endured tremendous pain and agony, could have got out of being put to death simply by calling out to the gigantic angelic army standing by waiting for His call, or even that after three days He opened his eyes, stood up and walked to the highest seat of honor.

Now that's a superhero that I am excited to spend the next year discovering. That's right, for those that don't know, each year I pray about a word or theme that God may use to mold me and shape me into the follower that he desires us all to be. This next year's word is discovery. With that I have decided that it also means getting back into the mindset of a 4th grader. My goal is to read as many books as possible that will stimulate my adventurous side at a 4th graders level. This is all with the hope to create within me a since of imagination, so that I can see Christ for the true superhero that He. I don't know what will come from this coming year, but I do have a strong sense of expectation and excitement that it is the start of something great. Almost as if this feeling could be the same as the one that C.S. Lewis felt as he sat down to pen the first words of the Chronicle of Narnia? Who knows maybe I too will write a childrens book that will capture the minds of people all over the world, pointing them to the awesome power and might of our great King and Saviour.

Thanks for walking through life with me and reading my blog. It is my prayer that you too will be encouraged to  walk into the adventure God has been longing to take you on. Don't be afraid to step out of the boat and walk on the water. It will only lead to much joy and excitement.

May He be lifted up higher and higher as we look at Him through the eyes of faith.


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