Thursday, February 23, 2012

Snow Day

All winter long there seems to be two words on my wish list to God, "Snow Day". This blessed day lasts just as long as any other day, yet for some reason as it rolls off my tongue, my heart is full of such joy and anticipation. Growing up in Escondido, Ca did not allow for me to experience the bliss of a "Snow Day"; however, after six years of living in Colorado Springs, Co. I definitely can relate to the mysterious excitement that comes with a winter advisory being placed on a city.  

Watching the weather channel, praying that the Lord would bless us with just enough snow to convince whoever "they" are to close District 20, becomes my chief objective for at least 24 hours prior to the unpredictable snow storms here in Colorado. My heart begins to flutter at the thought of being able to avoid my responsibilities for a day and use the weather as my excuse. Anticipating so much extra time to finally catch up on my sleep, favorite TV show, or book completely distracts me from my everyday routine.

So you may be asking yourself, why the rant on these two words? Well, not one of the things I got excited about had to with Christ. As I pulled the covers over my head this morning to enjoy my extra sleep, I couldn't fall back to sleep. I lied there thinking of all kinds of things I'd like to get done today, until I heard a still small voice asking me to spend the extra day focused on reading my bible, journaling, and praying. A whole day focused on the things of God, why hadn't I thought of that? How often do I make excuses for not having time to read my bible, yet when God so graciously gave me a whole day too, I was lying there filling it with a list of things that would probably not lead to my spiritual development at all. 

Since I just finished one of my 600 books on my Amazon wish list, I pulled out one I got from the women's retreat last fall. Feeding Your Soul by Jean Fleming has been sitting on my shelf collecting dust for months and as I sit here beginning to read it I realize that if I was more disciplined and intentional with every opportunity God gave me to dig in and get to know Him, I'd probably find that God has given me more "Snow Days" and opportunities to focus on Him. If I'm honest with myself I have plenty of time to read my bible, spiritual development books, and even pray. It's just that I have to realize that it's not cramming them into my day, rather it's making my day submit to what my priorities are. If growing spiritually is my priority than nothing should distract me from investing my time into activities focused on that. 

My prayer is that for those of us that are blessed with a "Snow Day" that we'd spend it wisely. The one thing in life we will never be able to get back is time. May the blessings and grace of our Lord leave you amazed and in awe as you spend time getting to know Him and growing in your understanding of His love and mercy on your life. 


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