Friday, January 27, 2012

Public speaking has never sparked within me an overwhelming feeling of fear. In fact, when asked to share or speak at any function, I am overjoyed at the opportunity to. Not because I love hearing my own voice; although, I'm sure I've struggle with this over the years, but instead because it's the time spent preparing that God seems to teach and show me the most incredible things and sometimes most painful sins within me. 

All of this may sound strange to those that can't handle speaking to a crowd or begin to sweat at the idea of praying out loud, but I believe that teaching is something that we are all called to do. This doesn't have to conclude with you standing in front of 100 women but it does require you to do the same preparation as it would for someone speaking. I've heard it said that the best way to learn something is to teach it. If that's true then the best way to truly know Christ and follow after Him is to be teaching others what that looks like. We are called in 1 Timothy to continually devote ourselves to the public reading, exhortation, and speaking of God's word. Whether that's in a mentor role or by publicly speaking is determined by your circumstances and your natural spiritual gifts.

For me I can see this playing out as I prepare each morning to teach the seven students that have been entrusted to me for three months. It's overwhelming to think that what I'm teaching them may make an impact in their lives forever. Whether that be art time, math time, or geography, I've been given the opportunity to reveal to them the mysteries of how great our God is. Each lesson plan may not conclude with an obvious God story, especially since I struggle to see how math really does come from God. :) 

However, at the end of the day these children have learned something new, they've used their brain, and hopefully been encouraged by my words and actions towards them. They know that they are smart and can learn and do anything because they have a God that has designed them. 

Because teaching others is a natural gift for me, I even ways outside of the classroom teach and speak on any topic. For instance, tonight the women's ministry team is holding an event at church and I've been asked to share a little bit about what God's been teaching me lately. All week long it's been so hard to determine exactly what would be the best to share. There's something to say about having everything outlined and prepared, but if I've learned anything about how God likes to reveal my speaking points, it's not by an outline. I rarely have a well crafted intro followed nicely by a 3 point message, which just happens to be wrapped up with a conclusion that rocks your socks off. Instead, all week long I seem to chew over the areas God seems to be working on within me. I'll mentally speak the message as I drive and remind myself of the truths that I have learned and often I will be convicted of the areas of in my life that still need to hear the gospel. There will be crying, laughing, and even thoughts of, "what in the world, I don't have my life together, why am I speaking on what it means to be a Christian....". It sounds completely chaotic and nerve racking but some how as I finally sit down at least to have a sheet of paper to take on stage with me, it finally comes to me. 

So, tonight's message is on speaking and teaching the truth to ourselves and to the generations beneath us. It's not as grand as it sounds and I've definitely not mastered all the ins and outs of how to do this but that's the message. That's what I "feel" and "think" the women coming tonight need to be reminded of. The truth can sometimes be drowned out by all the lies that seem to scream at us constantly throughout the day. We forget how big our God is, how small our fears really should be, and how constant the blood of the cross does flow for us His children. 

So, this blog is just a teaser for those that are joining us tonight and if you can't make it, it's my prayer that you are encouraged by the idea of speaking truth to yourself and start by speaking out this verse, 
 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.                                                   Jeremiah 29:11
Grateful for His grace, 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

For a while now I’ve found myself questioning the obsession we have with the cross rather than with Christ. I’m not suggesting that we should not acknowledge the salvation we have received because of Christ’s death on the cross, but rather we should ask ourselves if we are truly in love with Christ for who He is. 

To stand before our living Lord and Savior and only be grateful for his death, bural, and resurrection is short changing Jesus for who He really is. It’s a spit in the face to only acknowledge the act of dying for us and not the whole person that the Bible clearly spells out for us. Jesus existed before His descent and exists now as a part of the Holy Trinity, it is my opinion that if we only come to know Him on the level of the cross we haven't truly come to know Him at all. 

A cross centered understanding of Jesus is purely motivated by our own selfish desire for eternal life and not a relentless pursuit of who Christ really is. 

Who is Christ?

The second Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45);
Advocate (1 John 2:1);
the ancient of days (Daniel 7:22);
Apostle (Hebrews 3:1);
Author and Finisher of the faith (Hebrews 12:2);
Beginning of the creation of God (Revelation 3:14);
Only begotten of the Father (John 1:14);
Beginning and End (Revelation 1:8);
Shepherd and Bishop (1 Peter 2:25);
Bread of Life (John 6:48-51);
Bridegroom (Matthew 9:15);
Bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16);
Brightness of the Father's glory (Hebrews 1:3);
Brother (Hebrews 2:11);
Captain (Revelation 2:10);
The Chosen (Matthew 12:18);
Christ (Matthew 1:16);
Consolation of Israel (Luke 2:25);
Corner Stone (Ephesians 2:20);
Counselor (Isaiah 9:6);
Day Star (2 Peter 1:19);
Deliverer (Romans 11:26);
Desire of all nations (Haggai 2:7);
Door of the sheep (John 10:7);
Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23);
Friend (John 11:1-44)
Eternal Life (1 John 5:20);
Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6);
Express image of the Father (Hebrews 1:3);
Faithful Witness (Revelation 1:5);
First fruits from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:23);
Fountain (Zechariah 13:1);
Governor (Matthew 2:6);
Head of the Church (Colossians 1:18);
High Priest (Hebrews 3:1);
Holy One of God (Mark 1:24);
Heir of all things (Hebrews 1:2);
Judge (Acts 17:31);
Light of the world (John 9:5);
Life (John 14:6);
Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:1-5);
Master (Matthew 8:19);
Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5);
Messiah (Daniel 9:25);
Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7);
Potentate (1 Timothy 6:15);
Prince of life (Acts 3:15);
Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6);
Prophet (Luke 13:33; John 7:40);
Propitiation (1 John 2:2);
Power of God (1 Corinthians 1:24);
Physician (Matthew 9:12);
Ransom (1 Timothy 2:6);
Refiner and Purifier (Malachi 1:13);
Sacrifice (Ephesians 5:2);
Salvation (Luke 2:25-30);
Son of Man (Matthew 8:20);
Son of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2);
Surety (Hebrews 7:22);
Teacher (John 3:2);
Testator (Hebrews 9:14-17);
Truth (John 14:6);
The Way (John 14:6);
Wedding Garment (Matthew 22:12);
Wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24);
Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6);
Word of God (Revelation 19:10-13).

It is my prayer that all of us would begin to see Jesus for all that He is and love Him completely.

May He be glorified in all that we do today.


Map of where I have traveled.