Friday, November 03, 2006

The importance of five minutes...

One of the speakers at this years GO! Conference in colorado challenged us to live our lives in five minute blocks. Each five minutes that we have should be used to make an impact on this world.
It makes sense when it is put up against the way that we tend to live our lives these days. We tend to live our lives focused on these big goals to have money, a career, a "happy" family and in the end none of these things are going to make you happy. You will eventually end up 50 years old and wondering where the last 30 years went.
If we live in the here and now and instead of the then and there we will be able to see the value of our day to day life. The things that are considered boring and manatenis will turn into things that are evidentally life changing.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Isaiah 9:7

His ruling authority will grow,
and there'll be no limits to the wholeness he brings.
He'll rule from the historic David throne
over that promised kingdom.
He'll put that kingdom on a firm footing
and keep it goingWith fair dealing and right living,
beginning now and lasting always.
The zeal of God-of-the-Angel-Armies
will do all this.

God wants to bring about a complete change. The gospel is not just a gospel of salvation and the four spiritual laws. It is instead the gospel of the whole kingdom being brought back to completion. He will be the one leading this whole thing and establishing it. We will be His tools and vessels.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Brandy's story

She found herself in an amazing community where she could really grow in and pursue her passions and as she did she grew in wisdom, stature, favor with God, and favor with Man. She really felt peace about being in this new place but there was one thing that started to bother her.

At night she would have this dream. The dream scared her and made her have such fear of being alone and making the wrong decision. As the weeks went by she kept having this dream and started to wonder when it would stop.
After seeking counsel from her wonderful one-on-one it was revealed to her through the Holy Spirit that the fear was stemming from a sense of being abandon or rejected. They prayed for several hours and many things were discussed.
Also, during the week she found herself having a hard time balancing spirit and truth. It was easier to lean towards truth because that was safe. Through her quiet times and prayer time with her one-on-one she realized that she was still struggling with accepting Jesus love for her and felt like she need to earn his love. It really was a hard realization because at the same time she was questioning what love really was. How could she love Jesus when all she knew was selfish love instead of selfless love? Who could help her with this question? Where could she look for her answer?

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Welcome to my blog. I am so excited that you are here to read about what is going on in my life and what new things I am learning.
During this season of my life I am attending a school called "SOSM" School of Strategic Missions. There is an article about what this school is all about and the different ideas being taught.
Thank you for visiting and I look forward to any comments you may have to help me make this site more insightful.

Map of where I have traveled.