So what does all of this have to do with children standing in a soup kitchen line? Of course my heart went out to this man and all of the other homeless men and women out there. After watching the show I felt motivated to do something, anything to help these people. I would love to say that I was motivated to share Christ's love with them, but honestly I just can't stand the idea that people are freezing at night, because they hear from the shelters that in like Mary and Joseph, there's no more room in the inn.
My first google search was "homeless facts in America" and low and behold I came across a site that definitely made my jaw drop. There were many facts that I already was well aware of; however, three of them stood out like a sore thumb.
1. The average age of a homeless person in the United States is nine years old.
2. Nationally, one in five people in a soup kitchen line is a child.
3. Less than 6% of the homeless are homeless by choice.
Seriously, how is it possible to be one of the most influential countries and at the same time have these facts ring true of your homeland. I originally thought I would find facts on old war vets being the average age of a homeless person, or making up the majority of the soup kitchen lines. Not that it was a 9 yr old child, starving, uneducated, and forced to live on the streets! What is our nation coming too!!!!!!!
Okay, I can't just sit back and let this happen, right? I should rise up and do something to change these kids lives, to change the destiny of a child by giving them food, shelter, and an opportunity to walk into their original design by God. But what?!?!? I could become a teacher? or social worker? I could volunteer at a soup kitchen? I could donate money to other non-profits? Or I could continue to rely on the government to collect tax dollars to go towards taking care of a problem that I am too lazy to fight myself, while at the same time complaining that the Obama care doesn't make since when I bet it is a direct response to this problem.
I used to have a negative opinion of the free lunch program at schools, mostly because I more concerned about my pocket book continuing to grow slim than the mouths it was actually feeding. Now I see that I'm wrong, maybe these programs aren't started to steal my money, but instead they are someone else's attempt to solve this problem in our country. Maybe next time I open my mouth to vomit yet another one of my negative political opinions, I will do some research to see who really is benefiting from the politicians efforts; however, misguided they may seem to be, I can not for one second say I wouldn't do the same if I had some power to help these children.
I would love to hear how you think we should approach this problem in our country. What are you doing to fight for the orphans in your neighborhood? And what do you think I should do?
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27)